This page gives you a general overview of the ChatGPT software, how it works, and why it matters.

First, click here for some basic information.

I’m including that article for a few major reasons:

  1. It highlights who helped fund ChatGPT: Elon Musk
  2. It highlights early ethical concerns

But here’s the TLDR version: ChatGPT is one of the most striking advancements in A.I. It uses a chat feature to complete your prompts. And you can teach it how to respond.

ChatGPT also became very popular very quickly. Less than a week after being released, the program reached 1 million viewers. Just for some context, it took Netflix 3.5 years.

I’ll also add this.

In January 2023, OpenAI (the owner of ChatGPT) opened talks with Microsoft.

The rumor: Microsoft will spend around $10 billion dollars to buy ChatGPT. Then, Microsoft will embed the software into as many programs and search engines as it can. Overnight, Bing may become a major competitor for Google search.

It’s a big deal. ChatGPT will change how our students get information.

I’ll also say this. ChatGPT is only a symptom of a larger trend. AI-assisted writing is here to stay. Don’t believe me? Check out these programs:

  1. Grammarly Premium (Yes, we’ve been using AI-assisted writing tech for years!)
  2. Hemingway
  3. Word Tune
  4. HyperWrite

Many of our students are already using these programs.