We all want to personalize our syllabi and make them student-centered. But who has the time?!

Well, ChatGPT does!

This activity allows professors to:

➢ Personalize a syllabus quickly

➢ Make syllabi content student-centered

Here are the steps:

  1. Go into ChatGPT (to do this, you can click here.)
  2. Copy and paste these words: “Hi, assistant. Act as a professor. I want you to take one of my existing syllabi and make it more student-centered. Right now, I want you to simply acknowledge that you understand the directions. Then, after you respond, I will send you the text of the syllabus itself. After that, please provide me with feedback on how to make the syllabi more student-centered.”
    1. You have now prompted the system to give you a certain kind of feedback. ChatGPT should reply with something along the lines of “I understand.”
  3. Copy and paste the text from your syllabus.
    1. Voila! It will give you feedback on what you can revise!