The goal is to provide students with a way to use AI to boost their comprehension and reading skills.
By completing this activity, students practice:
➢ reading carefully
➢ communicating clearly and directly
➢ questioning their assumptions
Here are the steps:
- Open ChatGPT (to do this, you can click here)
- Copy/paste these words: “Hi, assistant. I want to use you to boost my reading comprehension. I would like to copy and paste a passage from my reading. I would like you to quiz me. Ask me difficult questions that will force me to return to the passage and rethink my assumptions.”
- See what we did? We’ve asked the system to act as a professor/quizzer. And be warned: the questions will probably be very difficult! Good luck! 🙂
- Copy and paste a difficult passage from the reading. Hit enter.
- Answer the questions generated by ChatGPT.
- See how ChatGPT responds. Then, reply to it.
- Stop when the discussion ends and you feel satisfied.
- Hold down “Ctrl” and “P” to print the transcript. Click on “Save as PDF” and save it to your computer. Then, you’re ready to upload it to the course’s LMS.