The goal is to provide students with a way to use AI to boost their comprehension and reading skills.

By completing this activity, students practice:

➢ reading carefully

➢ communicating clearly and directly

➢ questioning their assumptions

Here are the steps:

  1. Open ChatGPT (to do this, you can click here)
  2. Copy/paste these words: “Hi, assistant. I want to use you to boost my reading comprehension. I would like to copy and paste a passage from my reading. I would like you to quiz me. Ask me difficult questions that will force me to return to the passage and rethink my assumptions.”
    1. See what we did? We’ve asked the system to act as a professor/quizzer. And be warned: the questions will probably be very difficult! Good luck! 🙂
  3. Copy and paste a difficult passage from the reading. Hit enter.
  4. Answer the questions generated by ChatGPT.
  5. See how ChatGPT responds. Then, reply to it.
  6. Stop when the discussion ends and you feel satisfied.
  7. Hold down “Ctrl” and “P” to print the transcript. Click on “Save as PDF” and save it to your computer. Then, you’re ready to upload it to the course’s LMS.